Everyone's heard of Urban Decay, right? It's the nail polish / lipstick brand with the hard-edged, urban punk attitude and the hard-edged, urban punk colors (or rather, color names). Well you've heard of that stuff but there's a chance you may not have heard of its latest social progeny – Smell THIS fragrances. They peddle not colors but scents, and have a product line that includes such winners as Gasoline and Fun Doh (note the name isn't Play-Doh; my only guess is that Playskool wouldn't play along with this idea).

Well, I say we skip that bandwagon and try to make some money off of this ourselves. So what are the options? We have to envision some sort of consumable product that comes in an endless number of varieties. Of course there's always crayons, but then we'd be in direct competition with Binney & Smith and I sure don't want to butt heads with that pack of corporate thugs. Maybe a line of shampoos and hair care products, you may be thinking. Or perhaps vanity soaps?

Well, the eyes and nose have already had their day in the sun (or back alley) and the ears have been suffering for years. Thus, it's obvious that what is really needed is a new focus on a fresh sensory organ.

So, with all this lead-in, you are no doubt thinking the same thing I am – Urban Decay Skittles.

I know, I know. The market is already clogged to capacity with the Original, Tropical, and Wild Berry flavor sets. But Urban Decay Skittles is an idea whose time has come.

Can't you just imagine holding the rainbow of flavors in your hand? The small splashes of color, ranging from a dulled silver to deep brown to a sickly off-white. And then savoring the tastes! The sharp, metallic tang of Dented Chrome. The salty burst of Tryptamine!

The traditional number of flavors in a Skittle flavor family is five. So, on top of the two above, we'd need Gutter Sludge, Glass Shard, and Clamato.

Feel like getting into this one on the ground floor? Just e-mail me and I'll let you know were to send the cash.


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